Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Nathan & Joshua: speaking about flowers, fruits and seeds!

Nathan & Joshua: speaking about flowers, fruits and seeds!

JOSHUA IS BORN! Nathan & Joshua! And we have followed the Morning Star. And I saw Jesus! And his love is much greater than I could ever imagine! And I carry in my entire being the printing of His love and it is not even the memory of that meeting that I keep, but the presence that remains.

Nathan is the Lord's staff. Joshua is the scepter. Nathan is the Word. Joshua is the silence. Nathan is the fig tree. Joshua is the oak. Nathan is the first. Joshua too!

And you, Nathan, "has been a source of pleasure and joy." And you, Joshua, we much rejoice because of your birth!

You, Nathan, is a sign of joy from the Lord in any circumstances. You are master who teaches! And you, Joshua, "will go before the Lord in the Spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." (Luke 1 14 17)  You, boy, you are a prophet, you are a sword. Nathan is an apostle and a shield!

Nathan is lamb in the valleys. Joshua is a lion in the hills. Nathan is waters of a brook. Joshua is waters of rivers. Nathan is a fishing boat. Joshua is ship of the oceans. Nathan and Joshua are walking through the main street of the city and we are not sure if they are walking or if they are swimming in the river, where on each side there are not two trees, but only one, the Tree of Life. (Revelation 22:1-2)

And the square is full of singers. And the square is full of prophets. And those who are offended and scandalized are stumbling in the dark night wherever they are. And those who walk under the Sun of righteousness are laughing with eternal joy!

Blessed be the Lord, who entertain us with cuddles and caresses, we, His children who delight in the abundance of peace.

Josimar Salum

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