By Lance Walnau
Islamic terrorists dressed in Nigerian military uniforms assaulted a college inside the country Sunday, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in their dorms and shot others trying to flee, witnesses say.
"They started gathering students into groups outside, then they opened fire and killed one group and then moved onto the next group and killed them. It was so terrible," one surviving students, told Reuters. 40 innocent students were killed and 30 other civilians a few days later. It is so shocking we almost become desensitized. Islam, more than any other religious ideology of the 21st century, breeds death.
I think the world was shocked on 9-11 by the discovery that the new face of terrorism could be clean-shaven, College educated and from an upper middle class family. The new terrorist is not just the wild-eyed man with a beard; it can also be the guy that looks like a hedge fund manager.
Osama Bin Laden and many of his co-conspirators were raised with wealth, education and privilege. The same shocking realization came home again after the Boston Marathon bombing. Many were bewildered to discover that two educated immigrant brothers attending school in Boston developed this ghastly plot. So if economics and education is not a deterrent to terrorism, what is?
There is one virtually sure fired way to destroy a terrorist – raise him in a house filled with love. Let him experience an emotional bond with a caring parent who teaches healthy conflict resolution. I have never heard of a terrorist who could resist this type of assault. Daniel Goleman, best selling author in the field of Emotional Intelligence points out that a common characteristic of killers is the absence of “empathy,” the ability to feel what others feel. This sort or capacity to “care” is the byproduct of caring families.
Those who are indifferent to the suffering they cause to others fit the description Paul gave of people in the last days who are “without natural affection”…Peter called them ”brute beasts.” As the “love of many will grow cold” in the last days, you can be certain, the collapse of healthy families and loving parents is the root cause. It is not "money" or "education" that changes the human heart, but love. Without empathy, men can become better educated killers with money.
If you want to kill an adult terrorist, love the child terrorist before he becomes one.
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Islamic terrorists dressed in Nigerian military uniforms assaulted a college inside the country Sunday, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in their dorms and shot others trying to flee, witnesses say.
"They started gathering students into groups outside, then they opened fire and killed one group and then moved onto the next group and killed them. It was so terrible," one surviving students, told Reuters. 40 innocent students were killed and 30 other civilians a few days later. It is so shocking we almost become desensitized. Islam, more than any other religious ideology of the 21st century, breeds death.
I think the world was shocked on 9-11 by the discovery that the new face of terrorism could be clean-shaven, College educated and from an upper middle class family. The new terrorist is not just the wild-eyed man with a beard; it can also be the guy that looks like a hedge fund manager.
Osama Bin Laden and many of his co-conspirators were raised with wealth, education and privilege. The same shocking realization came home again after the Boston Marathon bombing. Many were bewildered to discover that two educated immigrant brothers attending school in Boston developed this ghastly plot. So if economics and education is not a deterrent to terrorism, what is?
There is one virtually sure fired way to destroy a terrorist – raise him in a house filled with love. Let him experience an emotional bond with a caring parent who teaches healthy conflict resolution. I have never heard of a terrorist who could resist this type of assault. Daniel Goleman, best selling author in the field of Emotional Intelligence points out that a common characteristic of killers is the absence of “empathy,” the ability to feel what others feel. This sort or capacity to “care” is the byproduct of caring families.
Those who are indifferent to the suffering they cause to others fit the description Paul gave of people in the last days who are “without natural affection”…Peter called them ”brute beasts.” As the “love of many will grow cold” in the last days, you can be certain, the collapse of healthy families and loving parents is the root cause. It is not "money" or "education" that changes the human heart, but love. Without empathy, men can become better educated killers with money.
If you want to kill an adult terrorist, love the child terrorist before he becomes one.
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