Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Transforming Series (18): Access Your Genius Capacity by Lance Wallnau

Access Your Genius Capacity 
3 Reasons To Renew Your Mind With Scripture

You have access to the mind of Christ! Think about that. Your limited understanding can expand to the point where God mingles His thoughts with yours. The gifts of revelation, prophecy, discerning of spirits, and words of knowledge are all accessible to you!
Jesus told the disciples, “I have many things to say to you, but you can’t bear them now.” Can't bear it now? Think. What would Jesus love to tell you that He can’t tell you because you simply can’t handle the conversation? The disciples would not remain in this condition for long however, and neither will you if you follow this closely.
Jesus went on to explain how He would get them ready for more, and deeper, understanding. To paraphrase, in John 16 He said, “The Holy Spirit is not only going to reveal to you everything that I am saying, He will reveal your future and things to come. He will teach you from the inside out. He is the Spirit of Truth.”

The key is this—your mind interacting intentionally with God's Spirit of Truth!
1. Renew your mind to walk in ALL truth: It is possible to have a day by day walk with the supernatural mind of Christ and this is made possible through the Holy Spirit.  Remember, “Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Deuteronomy 8:3).  Don't just feed one or two familiar themes, explore the whole Bible—every word!
I want to be able to walk in all truth.  Derek Prince once said, “Your relationship with the Word of God reveals your relationship with God.” Sad to say, most of us look at Bible study as if it were boring school work. Truth is, the Word of God is a spiritual book that feeds your revelation capacity.  Your soul feeds on whatever stimulates your mind and emotions. Your body feeds on physical food. Your spirit feeds on communion with God and His Word.
2.  The words of Jesus are powerful: Jesus said, “My words are Spirit and they are Life” (John 6:63). They contain within them the thought structures of how God thinks.  
Well, when you plug yourself into the Word of God you literally, intravenously, tap into the mind of God Himself. And God begins by the Holy Spirit to renew your thought structures, to breathe into the very membranes of the way that you think.  He starts to infuse His truth into you—in the same way the tree feeds the branches that bear fruit.  Suddenly your soul and your body and your circumstances start to fall under the authority of the very Word of God.  
3. Commit scripture to memory and you tap into God’s heart:  When you memorize chunks of scripture it’s like taking a cosmic antioxidant into your brain that eats up all the corrosion and junk that you don’t even realize you have accumulated over a lifetime of exposure to demonic, carnal, and soulish thought structures.  As the Word of God takes root in your heart, it sets off like a time capsule and it comes back to you in the moment you need it in ways and in layers that you can hardly imagine.
As a final note of encouragement, ponder this: Jesus defeated the devil after 40 days of fasting by quoting just one book of the Bible.  He didn’t fly all over the Old Testament scripture.  Three times He quoted Deuteronomy in response to Satan.  Imagine, one book of the Bible is all you need to defeat the most powerful temptations and attacks of the devil if you have it memorized, internalized, and ready to fire back at the moment of temptation.  
Question: What changes can you make today to begin to implement scripture memorization into your daily routine?  

As One,  
Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning Group

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