Friday, June 26, 2015

US now officially is SG - Sodom and Gomorrah!

Source: BBC

Because I understood very early that "God Himself gave them up to dishonorable passions "(Romans chapter 1) in 1999 I predicted to a group of pastors and intercessors gathered at Vision New England that gay marriage would be eventually legalized in the United States.

I reluctantly said: "You can pray, intercede, march on, protest, cast out demons, but gay marriage will be legalized in this country. The battle in this realm is not against evil powers or principalities. It is with God Himself who turn idolaters, proud, arrogant and creature worshippers to commit abominable things as they wish."

And I told them "the most we could do is give our witness of God based on Scripture using our freedom of expression guaranteed by the US Constitution."

This morning of June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court has just established the same-sex marriage as a right for all of America. 

It is sad, it is outrageous for a Christian nation, however while darkness covers the land the Glory of God is shinning brighter and brighter over all His children. 

"US is now officially SG: Sodom and Gomorrah in accordance to one of the most wicked presidents America has ever had." (JSalum)

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