Sunday, June 01, 2014

Is Brazil truly experiencing a nationwide Revival?

#WorldCup #Brazil #Brasil 


If you watch this CNN report on Brazil "favelas" in Rio de Janeiro (which has shown 1% of the true reality of the whole country) you will have a clue of the fact that though the Holy Spirit is working in many areas in Brazil bringing transformation revival to the nation is very far from to be truthfully called a Nation in Revival. 

Unless Brasil revival is just multitudes of Christian gathering at the Gospel Shows and big temples packed with people who do not even hear or practice the Gospel of the Kingdom. 

FIFA World Cup in Brazil should bring attention to all the believers around the world to pray and intercede for Brazil: for the Church leaders, for the people that they may receive the True Revival: which saves, delivers and transform not only individuals, but the whole nation. 

Evangelical politicians are as crooked as any others, money is the driven force behind most of the preachers in the media and statistics shows that there is no difference in life style between church goers from those who are so called worldly people. 

Please, pray.

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