Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Where are true intercessors?

Gay marriage is going to be approved all over America. You can cry, pray and intercede how and how much you want. It is God's matter, and not of the devil's.

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.” Romans 1:25-26

Christians in this country are the masters in exchanging the truth about God for a lie. What they have done to the Gospel in America? There is no Lordship in their gospel. There are no tears, there is no total dependence on God and they rely upon a power that is far from the Power of the Holy Spirit. 

Are believers willing to stay married? Are pastors willing to stay married? God, have mercy on us.

The divorce rate among pastors is 50%. One in each two married pastors is divorced today.  One in each two pastors in America is involved with pornography. More than 85% of Christian youth have sexual intercourse before they marry.  Christian abortions in America are so high that should have already brought us all on our knees. 

I hate divorce like God hates. I hate homosexualism like God hates. I hate pornography like God hates. I hate abortion like God hates. I hate fornication like God hates.

But I also hate Christian hypocrisy, prejudice, pretending and false appearance.

Christian activists speak against gays but I have never seen a movement or a call to pray for them or a Day of intercession for them. 

I see Christians with banners and flags on the same course of the gay activists. Are these protests all we can do? I have never saw disciples of Jesus protesting in the streets of the New Testament.

Christianity in America is dead. The world has gone post-Christianity because Christians have perverted the Gospel of the Kingdom. They preach, but they don’t live. 

And what preaching is today that Paul could preach the same to obtain the same results he got 2000 years ago? I don't think so. 

Millions of sermons of pastors that are preached in millions of worship services all year long are a fiasco. Why? There are very few who preach the Gospel that Paul preached. They preach a gospel of Jesus Savior; the Gospel Jesus preached is the Gospel of the King and Lord. 

But Jesus Christ is not dead. He is alive. His Kingdom is advancing all over the Earth. Even here in America, even among Muslim, Buddhists and Hindu of the most hostile nations. Jesus still loves. He did not die to bring few sons into Glory. He was satisfied when He saw the fruit of His painful labor, because He had seen millions and millions of all nations, tongues and tribes around His Throne. He still transforms people. He still baptize with the Holy Spirit. Jesus reigns.

We have humbled, maybe not truthfully. We have prayed, many years the same prayers: Revive us, oh Lord! Revive us, oh Lord! And we are still waiting for revival like a light at the end of an unending tunnel. We have sought God’s face, maybe not really His face but only His hands to give us prosperity, wealth and blessings. I feel ashamed of our prosperity when I visit believers around the world in some nations. How they are happy! How they are so joyful in suffer even unto death for Christ!

We have to convert. But who among us really know what that means? Who among us will have an encounter with the God of Holiness and Love? God, I don’t even know how to grasp what I am just sharing!

I am sure that Christian’s hypocrisy has produced more spiritual damage in America than all gay perversions and abortions together in the last 40 years. Because Christians say they have light and still sin, but the wicked don't have light.

It is time to believe that where sin abounds, Grace super abounds.

God can destroy America not because of the abundance of sin. He destroys because there are no true intercessors.

He will not destroy America. If we fail not He will not do it. He will destroy not because the sin abounded, but because we have failed. But if we repent and change our ways the world will follow us. If we love one another, America shall believe in Jesus.

Josimar Salum

The Kings Net
Kingdom Transformation

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