Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Kingdom Living in Christ

By Dr. Paul Taylor

There is absolutely nothing that you cannot do in partnership with God! You were created from the beginning of time to work together with God. Think about that!

This is not only "poieo", but it is "synergeo" or divine synergy. This is why we can believe for more than we can do in our wildest imagination! Isn't that what God's word promises?

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly aboveall that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,21to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations,forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20,21

Our working with God is an extension of living in obedience to God from a relational position, not a doctrinal one! This is critical and is really the essence of walking in the Kingdom of God.

If I could reduce everything to it's simplest form I would say that Kingdom living is based on relationship with a living God (not only what He has done, but what He is doing now!) and salvation living is based on doctrinal teaching (what God did) of a living God. One focuses on yesterday, today, and forever, while the latter focuses on the past and eternity, but not today!

I want to focus on the statement from Phil. 2:16; “Holding fast the word of life.”

The Greek word is “Logos”; something said including the thought; motive; intent; the Divine expression of Christ! In essence the purpose and existence of life! Where does this life originate? We have to go back to vs. 12. Obedience to Christ and His Kingdom life. It is God who gives us might, power, energy to do what He has determined (will) in our lives all for His good pleasure.

This is not religious life that we think of in western Christianity of traditions, doctrine and observances. This life directly originates from

1. Seeking first the Kingdom of God.

The Word of life is always connected with being the light of men (Jn. 1:4). We will not walk in darkness, but in the light of life. Light means to make manifest; revelation and is directly related to our relationship with the Father who reveals to us what to do and say (Jn. 5:19,36). The result is knowing our purpose or reason for existing. The result of seeking first the kingdom of God is not doctrine, but purpose!

2. From relationship comes forth energy, action, power, and efficiency!

It is interesting that the word “efficient” is in the definition of “to do”; “energeo” or effectual power! Not just power to do, but effective power! When you are working with God you are far more efficient in that work than if you were working in your own strength.

3. Here is the key. We are to do all things without complaining or arguing.

That we may be blameless! The word “blameless” is “amemptos” or irreproachable. It contains the letter “A” which is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet and carries the sense of union! Union with who? Of course Jesus Christ. A is for ATTITIUDE!
Kingdom living in Christ is relational that results in purpose, not doctrine.

That purpose flows forth with effectual power because of the life we have in Christ.

Hold on to the Word of life. We do not walk in darkness, therefore we need not complain or argue about what is happening in our world because of our relationship with God who knows all things and is in control.

We have union with Him and therefore should walk blameless as sons of God in a crooked and perverse world.

We are to be different because of our partnership with a living God! What is your attitude today? I can’t say I am living up to my responsibility in Christ. I must watch my attitude. God help me and us! We must all possess a Champion's attitude that reflects the God we are working with! This is what being a Champion is all about as we walk with Him in His Kingdom, His realm of authority, which is our realm of authority because we are one with Him!

What a partnership! You were created for the work that is before you. Watch what God is doing and then obey in partnership with Him! You can't go wrong!

Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! 15Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night 16so I’ll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You’ll be living proof that I didn’t go to all this work for nothing. Phil. 2:14-16 The Message

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