Rio Branco City, State of Acre, Brazil
The White River Report
04/11/2010 - 2:33 AM
Please, pray for Rio Branco, capital of the State of Acre, Brazil.
Pray for a total Kingdom transformation in the state. Pray for the leaders and all ministers (all saints). Pray for souls to flood the Kingdom of Heaven.
There is a great move of God specially among the youth. Kids, teenagers and young people are coming by thousands to Jesus in the city and dedicating their lives completely to Him. Churches with 100 members 5 years ago are now packed with 800, 1000, 5000 people.
We arrived here last Friday. Judson Oliveira invited me to come with his team to minister. Friday evening I shared a message on the sufficiency of the Cross. Judson spoke about the Presence of God.
Saturday night was simply awesome. It is almost 3 AM and I simply can't sleep. The Presence of the Lord is in this room. It is all over. No words can describe the move and the presence of God.
We didn't know what to do with the meeting after a while. There was no "preaching" though the Word of God was ministered from the beginning to the end. Actually we could not end the meeting. People were crying and repenting all over the gymnasium. Moms hugging their children and crying for God's presence. There was a overwhelming joy at the same time people were crying very loud.
This morning (Sunday) I will be ministering to them, God willing. There was a previous agenda and a theme I should minister to a specific crowd. I mean, the meeting was not planned for everyone, it was planed for leaders in the church and in the market place.
Pastor Alexandre, a young man of God who is the leader of the church that organized these meetings, asked us not to change GOD'S AGENDA. He asked "please, continue ministering in the flow of the Spirit."
The Holy Spirit's river is here. Deep waters. Waters that come from the Throne. Salvation. Healing. Deliverance. A new thing that will change not only the lives in the city but in the whole state. Community transformation (Isaiah 58). Signs of transformation are seen all over the place. Leaders are coming together in covenant relationships.
Please, pray. Please, pray.
Here is a link of a video taken
We are counting on your prayers.
A testimony:
I received good news from Aruba about the rain.
There was no rain in the whole country (the island) for months until three weeks ago.
After we prayed on the highest hill of the land and the church prayed together the next day, there was some rain the following day.
But now after we have left, almost two weeks later, this is the report I have received few days ago: "Hi Josimar, It has been raining for about 2x days here in Aruba." Alleluia!
Other quick testimony.
On February Bill Nicoson, Paul Taylor and I ministered in Muriae, Minas Gerais State in Brazil. We stayed in a farm after the congress for 2 days. There was no rain in the whole region for months. We prayed. The following day I drove my friends to Rio to catch their airplanes back to US. The next day it rained in the afternoon.
Four days later I arrived in US. Seven days later after we first prayed for rain it started to rain and it has been raining since February, almost every day, as never before, in the whole region.
The Lord reigns.
Josimar Salum
April 11, 2010 - 8:22 AM
From Paul Taylor - Boston, Massachusetts - USA
Hi Josimar,
So good to hear from you. Great to hear the news of what God is doing there. We will pray!
What is the difference between this move of God and all the others that we have been a part of over the past years?
Is it the same emotional move connected with the entertainment spirit or are these people understanding who they are in Christ and will move free from denomination?
Great to hear about the youth. May God reach many and may it happen here in the USA.
Paul Taylor
April 12, 2010 = 12 AM
I think it is a beginning. This is the first time in many years I travel with Judson.
I came basically to get along. Then he asked me to give a word Friday evening. As I mentioned before I spoke about the Cross. "It is finished." As Bill Johnson have asked, once I have heard: "What part of the "it is finished" do you understand?"
All over Brazil everything among many churches is about "money". You give as much as you want to be blessed. Those don't understand that "it is finished." We give because He gave His life. We give because it is finished. We give because Mamom and his dominion was completely destroyed on the Cross.
This morning I taught about the Presence of God. Jesus is the Presence of God. The Presence that make us rest. The Shabbat of God. Jesus' resting. We taught many practical things related to.
Judson spoke about the Bride in the book of Esther. The Church that have relationship with the King. The church that is all about the needy on the streets and villages of the land.
And I punched real hard some of the religious concepts and church stuff. And Jesus manifested His Presence. The meeting started around 9 AM and went until almost 2 PM.
Some of the leaders I have been in conversations since I got here are already astonished with their paradigms being broken. I have to contain myself sometimes. If they ask I answer. I answer their questions, some go wild. But the TRUTH will prevail. The TRUTH always prevails. THE TRUTH is indestructible.
We had dinner on Sunday evening with some ministers from different "churches" in the city. They come together after their evening meetings to dine together. A very influential State Representative and a Congressman candidate came and we spoke with each other for almost about 2 hours. People of character and good reputation. People who bring and influence the Government mountain with the Kingdom of God. It is amazing the measure of maturity I found specially on the State Representative on his 7th Legislature. 28 years serving the Lord Jesus. A friend of the Governor, the Judges and all his colleagues.
I do believe the harvest of souls in the city of Rio Branco in the last years - they calculate 50% of the whole city, about 160.000 people are "evangelicals" - is ready for the move of God.
I am not sure about if some "church leaders" are ready, but the people of God, Wow! they want JESUS and not the religion of "jesus" anymore. Many are coming out of the "system" and most of them don't even know what Christianity is, they don't have a history of been a "christian church." They are only disciples of Jesus and individually they are members of each other.
They are too young to know about that stuff. And I pray that they will never be infected by the decease of old wolves and old foxes.
In the meetings there is still a lot of emotions which is not basically bad.
We Brazilians are "hyper" in emotions. Anyway it is good to laugh and cry.
But as we believe in the totality of the message of the Cross, crystal and clear, we will be truly transformed. And the joy of the Lord will be the oil over our heads and hearts.
Repentance may come with emotions. Repentance always produce a lot of pain. Transformation is a painful and hurtful process. It is both emotional and rational.
Moreover repentance will always bring people to the place they will receive the Gift of the Spirit indeed.
And the GIFT OF THE SPIRIT (not the gifts), but the GIFT OF THE SPIRIT brings THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. The Fruit of the Spirit is JESUS: Love, joy, patience, kindness, self control...
I am willing to come back for teaching (Kingdom transformation teaching) if they want. And if God wants then I definitely will come.
Judson Oliveira is a big positive influence in the whole nation. I mean, God has been using Him and many others in demonstration of Power, but through Character.
I will tell you more about him. The good thing is that Judson is not an entertainer, not really.
I will tell you many more things the Lord is showing me these last days.
Today Judson told me about Gustavo from Brasilia. Do you remember him? The young man who had a band which along with Gabriel Bressane from Belo Horizonte led the music at The Call Brasilia in 2002?
Gustavo now is the one who is carrying "the Call" movement all over Brazil. Can you imagine? A seed from The Call Brasilia. We planted a seed and God gave a seed and seeds from that planting. It started secretly, like the dying process of a seed. It is a Voice calling out in the desert: Brazil, Repent, the Kingdom of God is HERE.
This current move of God now is toward the society, the communities and not SIMPLY to the church. It is not about growing the churches or bringing new members to the churches. It is not even about "building the pastors ministries." It is about saving the lost world. It is about taking the nations. It is about the Kingdom of God finally shutting down the kingdoms of this world and establishing the KINGDOM who (not which) will endure forever.
Acre is the last state of the "Union". The last state to become Brazil (a blazing wood). A tiny state on the far northwest of Brazil. The first on the list: Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, etc. Can you see it?
Acre is located far away from the Atlantic Ocean and near the Pacific Ocean.
Acre for me is the beginning (it is a little lamb).
The beginning because through the Word's view point is considered the last. The small one. The insignificant one. Even the forgotten one.
It is a lamb because of the ears he has to hear the small voice within, to differentiate the Voice from the voices. Upon Acre rests the vocation for the silence which falls upon him every day, as going every day to the place of butchery, as a pleasant sacrifice to God who accepted ONLY the perfect Altar and Sacrifice of THE LAMB. The lamb represents the insignificance of the small things that God Himself tells us not to despise.
God is saving the whole state. Believe me! And through his people nations will be reached as far as the east.
The West (where Acre is) is about to go East and going further to the West will reach the East, where West and East become ONE, where North and South intercepts the one line, the one point, the ONE who got in His hands two sticks to make them ONE in Bethlehem.
I heard Sunday morning that the message of the Bride is not the final message.
Yes, Jesus prepares the Bride.
Yes, Jesus is the Only One Who builds the Church.
Our work is to bring Him the nations to become ONE nation.
We all obey Him and become ONE in agreement, ONE THOUGHT, making just ONE PRAYER, thus bringing His Kingdom down.
In fact Jesus is not interested only in His Bride, because Jesus is not about Himself.
And the Bride "business" is about the Groom desires.
The Groom desires is the Spirit's desire Who came to glorify the Groom. And the Bride glorifies Him also.
The Spirit who works the Bride and partner with the Bride to call the ones from all nations, tribes and tongues to complete the UNITY, the becoming of ONE. The Spirit fulfilling the celebration of the weeding of THE LAMB.
The celebration of the final union, the ONE finalization of the metamorphosis of the ones, who get the glorified bodies to finally becoming THE ONE WHO WILL REIGN FOREVER at the last trumpet. The bride meets the Groom in the air and come down out of heaven from God "prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband."
God is a continuously giving God.
He is interested in the whole world, both heaven and earth.
He loved the cosmos that He gave His only (ONE SON)to whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
The ONE who died as only begotten Son to become the first born that resurrected from the dead to make millions of millions of sons so the Father would have only ONE family of sons united in One Body, the Body of Christ.
Jesus was born King, lived as the Servant King, who died as the King, who was buried, but resurrected as the King of kings. One King of the kings who become One Kingdom, all with Him.
The temptation of humanity was to become GOD, the One; the desire of God, the One was to become man, so man would become ONE with Him through the One, Jesus Christ, THE SON.
"The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."
Finally, what moves people out of denominations and from all old wine skins is following Christ, only Christ Jesus. It is not that simple as stated here.
The Church has just one PASTOR, one APOSTLE, one PROPHET, one EVANGELIST, one TEACHER. God's math results are always ONE.
When all (the unities, the ones) become ONE in HIM, there will be only ONE SHEPHERD AND ONE FLOCK.
This present world in a fake movement is bringing everybody to become one, in what they call globalization.
The eternal move of God is bringing the whole universe as ONE. ONE IN HIM. It is what the Holy Spirit calls "ONE."
I pray you get it. I pray hard I really get it.
Josimar Salum
1 comment:
Prayer this morning.
I pray for all that God is doing and felt a special encouragement for you and a request that Brazil pray for us in New England. I sense that part of what God has for you is to experience the power of welcoming hearts; (Hearts quick to welcome each other and quick to welcome the Holy Spirit.) It’s like electricity; you can have power come to your house but nothing flows until you turn on the switch. The power of welcoming hearts!!!!!
New levels of intimacy, new levels of communion, new levels of authority…
Our hearts are being joined to His in greater ways, with desires to see things really happen. The cry of Heaven is being joined with the cry of the land.
Eph 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us
He is working in us so that we can house and withstand this power so He can do things- yes great things- even things we can’t imagine or more than we can ask or think….He is inviting us to be radical welcomers…welcoming all and especially welcoming Holy Spirit.
Pray for us in New England….that we will no longer be radical defenders but become radical welcomers. Instead of letting weakness hold us down we would be quick to invite Holy Spirit…worship in Spirit and in Truth…discover what this really means….instead of processing what’s going on…invite Holy Spirit…the Spirit of Truth who will teach us , instruct us and show us things to come.
Join us in the decree that; my sheep hear my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not listen to nor follow.
Lord, we recognize you are calling us to awaken and the Harlot spirit is saying come rest…that you are arising and shining in us to assume headship of your body and the voice of the intellectual spirit is asking us to process this….
We declare: I will no longer listen to the Harlot Spirit, I will no longer listen to the voice of intellect…. I will listen to the Holy Spirit….I ask to be filled with Light and with Glory….I ask you to shake the foundations of all I accept to be true and that Jesus is truth…the way the truth and the life….Shake me Lord…..thank you that I can feel this shaking….thank you for loving me and calling me and bringing me closer to you…all my dreams all my hopes all my trust is in you!!!!
We declare: Not by might, not by strength but by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts. The Lord of the armies of Heaven.
Let me truly say that it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me, that this life I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of god and that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Even me….
No more just “it is finished” let us now say :It has begun”
Lord help me to receive and recognize the perfect peace…the peace that surpasses all understanding and not rely on the peace after I have processed, after I my understanding is satisfied. I welcome you Holy Spirit I welcome you Jesus; the Spirit and the Bride say come Lord Jesus.
Let the cry of those who have welcomed the Lord go fourth….welcome us…welcome your sisters and brothers, welcome the world into the celebration of the revelation of the blood of the Lamb.
With Love
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