Wednesday, October 02, 2024

From South Korea at the ONE BILLION SOULS Congress

From South Korea at the ONE BILLION SOULS Congress.

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" Mark 16.15

Today we heard a very strong emphasis in our devotional on the phrase highlighted in this verse:-

- To every creature - Jesus died for every creature.

- To every creature - no matter the language they speak.

- To every creature - no matter the size of the resistance to the Gospel.

- To every creature - no matter the culture they have.

- To every creature - no matter the nation they live in, whether in the jungle or in the city.

- To every creature - no matter if they are rich or poor; intellectual or illiterate.

- To every creature - no matter which generation they belong to, whether they are X, Y, Z, Alpha, Millennials, Boomers, Babe-boomers and the one to come.

- To every creature - no matter if they are refugees, diaspora or nationals.

- To every creature - no matter what religion they have.

- To every creature - because He gave us the order to go and take the Good News to every creature.

Let us unite to fulfill the Master's order to take the Gospel to every creature.

David Botelho




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