Mário Sérgio Cortella used to tell his children when they were younger: - When you turn 12, I'll tell you the secret of life.
When the eldest turned 12, he woke up his father anxious to know the secret of life. The father said, I will tell you, but you will not be able to reveal it to your brothers. Here's the secret:
- Cows don't give milk.
- What?
- Cows don't give milk. You have to take it out. You have to milk them. This is the secret of life. Cows don't give milk. Either you take it or you don't have milk.
There is a generation that thinks cows give milk, they think things are automatic. I want, I ask, I get.
Happiness results from effort. The absence of effort generates nothing.
This reality applies to the mission field and that's why Jesus said to pray for workers and not for lazy people. They need to sow a lot and during the harvest they cannot sleep, otherwise they will lose the harvest.
The apostle John records in the book that bears his name the words of Jesus that revolted the religious leaders of the time:- "And Jesus answered them: My Father works until now, and I work too. "
We must work while it is day, for night comes when we cannot work.
The apostle Paul told the Thessalonians recorded in 3.8.:- we didn't even eat anyone's food for free; on the contrary, we worked day and night with effort and fatigue, in order not to be a burden to any of you ;"
It is a must to learn very early in life the cows don’t give milk.
Translated from Portuguese in English by Josimar Salum
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