To serve God is to serve others. It is the greatest form of charity, the pure love we have for Christ and others.
Serving God is a form of worship, a way to express our gratitude for what Jesus Christ has done for us, and to share the love and grace we've been given.
Serving God helps us to be more like Christ, to be humble like him who made himself as nothing by taking the very nature of a servant. “Christ did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)
The apostle John says that “this is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” (1John 3:16)
We should shift our focus off of ourselves onto others through serving and we begin to see others as Jesus sees them and we see Jesus in others. God want us to not just learn to love, but to practice love which is to serve others unselfishly.
It is true we are not saved by works, that we are saved by grace through faith but we are saved for service.
A saved heart is one that wants to serve others.
If you have no love for others, no desire to serve others, and you are only concerned about your needs, you should question whether Christ is really in your life.
Serving God is not optional, something to be tacked onto our schedule if we can spare time. It is the heart of the life with Christ.
In the Kingdom of God, as children we have responsibilities and roles to play.
We should not make all sorts of rational explanations for not serving God:
◼️I don't have time
◼️I don’t have nothing to give
◼️I don't know what I should do
◼️I don't have any special skills to contribute
◼️They don't need me
However, with God there are no excuses. How it is that as He fortifies us we can find any excuse not to obey him?
The greatest expression of worshipping God is by serving people, is by performing our daily tasks and is by working every day from Monday to Monday in all aspects of life.
Our time for singing, dancing, praising with our voices is just a very small part of what it means to serve and worship God.
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