Friday, September 04, 2020



How do I truly know that God is speaking to me? 

Here is a powerful question from a teenager: I know I don’t talk to you much, but I’m always reading what you say. I would like to ask you a question that may be silly, but I would like to know from you. How can I really know that God is speaking to me or answering me?

Surely, you will know by the Bible! But the Bible is like a letter. By reading the Scriptures, you read God's message. Imagine the verses as if they were tweets. But suddenly a verse will pop out of the pages of the Bible and you will feel something tremendous within you. It's God talking to you.

But you need to know the Voice of God first. Most believers do not know the Voice of God. You have to stop and learn to hear your own heart beat. Have you ever heard your heart beat?

Have you ever gone to the woods or even your room and heard your own heart beating? 

Hear silence in the presence of God. Discern the voice of the Lord. Do you recognize how His voice sounds within yourself?

Start talking to Him in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Walking. At all times. I only pray once a day. Just once. I begin when I wake up and stop when I sleep. I talk to Him all the time. If I'm angry, I tell him everything. Absolutely everything, even things that if someone heard out loud, they would crucify me.

I speak because He knows my thoughts and feelings anyway. Speaking or not speaking, He knows everything. When I am somewhere, in a park, on the edge of a river, standing in my car, working... But I have special places where I go here and in Brazil to be alone with Jesus.

A long time ago I had a guava trunk that fell on the banks of the Pomba River. There He sat with me and I talked with the Holy Spirit. I usually write down what I say and imagine Him talking to me, and I write that too.

You will be amazed at the fellowship and relationship you can have with our Creator if you simply reach out. You are only sure that it is your father talking to you because you know His voice. It is not?

Ask our heavenly Father to show you His VOICE.

God's language is thoughts. "My thoughts are not your thoughts," He said.

Be still and you will hear the Voice of God.

The size of your hunger and thirst for God will determine what you are really looking for. And you will never give up. I am hungry and thirsty for God all the time. I haven't known any state other than this for decades and decades.

The world is about to assist an army of young people who want nothing else in life but to know Jesus. Do not want to do anything else in life, but love and serve Jesus in every corner, starting at home, with your parents and your family.

Each of the people we meet is like Jesus. They are Jesus! In addition, do not yearn for anything else, but immerse yourself in a deep communion with Jesus. You are already one of the young people in this army of Jesus.


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