Friday, September 06, 2019

Benny Hinn renounces prosperity gospel, says ‘Holy Ghost is just fed up with it’

Benny Hinn renounces prosperity gospel, says ‘Holy Ghost is just fed up with it’
Christian Post - Click here

Although I have received many messages from people in doubt about Benny Hinn's decision, I am very blessed to see him go back to the eighties and nineties when I met him performing his remarkable crusades preaching the Gospel instead to mix it with other things.

Watch video 

I am also interested in how Benny Hinn will deal with preaching invitations, whether he will continue to charge thousands of dollars or act differently. Just over two years ago he charged a church in Africa, pastored by a spiritual son of a dear friend, $ 120,000 just to begin the process of considering hosting the event.

I remember Pastor Benny's crusade in 1993 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States when he preached a message about Elijah leaving his cloak to Elisha.

He said, “Elisha could do three things with the Elijah's robe. He could build a cathedral around this fallen cloak. He could cut this mantle into pieces and sell them as merchandise, or he could pick it up, touch the waters of the Jordan River to split it in two and use it to the glory of God.”

For many years Benny Hinn cut the "cloak" into pieces and made the anointing of the Lord as merchandise.

But I don't want you to understand that I'm judging him with condemnation. I never failed to recognize the influence he had on my life when I was 27 years old and for a few years later. I myself helped make many of his crusades in the United States by mobilizing pastors and churches. Understand that I am very happy to see that Benny Hinn is now "taking the cloak" (representing God's anointing) to use to God's Glory.

I very much hope that despite the damage his false doctrine and practices have done to millions of people, his position can influence preachers around the world to do the same as him, that is, to abandon this pernicious and cursed doctrine of prosperity, to stop manipulating God's people and act as He expects of His ministers on this earth.

- Josimar Salum #ASONE

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