Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood cuts babies body parts to sell!

#PlannedParenthood is cutting babies like this one into pieces to harvest their body parts to sell for profit. Is this legal? 

For President Obama WH Press Secretary to comment on #PlannedButcherhood saying that the non profit government 500 million dollars funded organization CEOs, doctors and professionals have done nothing illegal is an indescribable shame. Is genocide legal? And then soon after he went on to talk about ISIS terrorism! What is terrorism!? 

What a disgrace! The practices shown by these videos are horrific and inhumane! What is happening to this country? All hell has been set loose! They are all demons and human vampires on steroids! They speak of womens rights; to choose what? 




Are there any men and women with a human heart at WH, Capitol Hill, Supreme Court or are there any of them in the justice courts of this country to stop this rampage?

The American civilization has cut off the small piece of fabric which was holding that flickering beacon of human rights made clear in our Constitution. 

The great goodness within our country has been overshadowed by insane acts of barbarism against children. I ask, if those sets of human tissues are not babies, if they are only specimens, then why go after them to sell for human scientific development? Are you out of your mind!? 

I am numbed, paralyzed, and speechless while oblivious authorities do their business as usual while these horror clinics silently exploit human lives as doctors collect their parts inside of mother wombs!  These doctors, as described by a Planned Parenthood doctor, "harvest the organs" of the living babies, one by one, to the point of total mutilation and death.

Planned Parenthood clinics are the modern U.S. Auschwitz ovens and the ISIS version of American domestic funded terrorism! 

If this is legal, what kind of laws are these that back up so much atrocity? How much hate and darkness is there in this land! Lord Jesus, is there any help? 

Josimar Salum, 
a distressed American Citizen.

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